So you’ve decided to do some legal research….

First off, you should know that this guide won’t make legal research fun or fast or easy. Legal research is boring and  tedious and nothing can change that.   The best you can hope for is to plug along long enough that you eventually can get an unfortunate law student such as yourself to do your research for you.

What this guide can do is make legal research cheap. Free, as a matter of fact.

Getting Started

  • Click on the “Research” tab to get basic research guidance as well as links to primary and secondary law sources
  • Still need convincing that Free Law is okay to use for research? Visit the “Why Free Legal Research?” page.
  • If you want to find out about who’s behind this guide, check out the “about” section.
  • Librarians and Legal Research instructors can visit the “Librarian Resources” section for teaching tools and other faculty resources.
  • The blog will have the latest news and information about Free Law resources.