Entries Tagged as 'Posts'

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Teaching legal research alternatives to law students

Law Librarian Blog posted today about Laura Justiss’ recent article: A Survey of Electronic Research Alternatives to Lexis and Westlaw in Law Firms. Laura, a librarian at SMU – Dedman School of Law, says she “was naively surprised to learn that most law students had little, if any, awareness of the electronic services other than […]


Thursday, September 30th, 2010

JMLS Presentation on The Legal Research Process

We’d like to thank John Marshall Law School Reference Librarian, Ramsey Donnell, for using Sarah’s legal research process flowchart in his presentation “The Legal Research Process.” It was a part of their Library Lunchtime Learning Series. You can even watch a video of the presentation.


Monday, September 20th, 2010

New slideshow added for legal research teachers

Thomas Keefe, Associate Director for Instruction and Electronic Services of The John Marshall Law School Law Library, generously shared a couple of the PowerPoint presentation slide shows he created to teach internet legal research to his law students. Thanks Tom! Legal research instructors can find Tom’s contributions and other resources to help you teach students how […]


Monday, September 13th, 2010

Finding the meaning of legal terms for free

A mistake I made coming into law school was buying a legal dictionary. It’s not that you won’t have to look up some words while you’re reading those cases that were written early 20th century in some combination of legalspeak, old-timey, and Latin; because you will.  It’s that even in the good old days of […]


Monday, August 16th, 2010

Welcome, and a little more about this project

Hello there law student or law librarian, Welcome to the Law Student’s Guide to Free Legal Research on the Internet’s Blog (LSGTFLROTIB for short…or maybe not). My name is Austin Groothuis. Assuming you’re a law student, I was in your shoes as recently as three years ago. Now I work with Legal Information Institute and […]
